Body-"the physical structure, including the bones, flesh, and organs, of a person or an animal."
I believe that the body is the soul's driver, it is the essence of life, driving us to achieve our daily goals. Before this year, I was in the blues about "self-care and self-love". These words all seemed alien to me, of course before, I found healing through taking care of my body and mind.
Maybe you might not understand what self-love and self-care entail, but they are the rather effortless practice that you might already be accustomed to.
For me, self-care entails a conglomerate of entities; both physical and mental. Below is a list of daily practices that form part of my self-care routine.
* Daily meditation- this helps me center my mind and generally relax my body by releasing all muscles and ligament tension.
* Daily exercise- Helps with muscular development and mental grit.
* GratitudeJournaling- List down 3 things that you are grateful for throughout the day.
* Unwinding from Social media- Social media can be quite detrimental to one's health, especially if inappropriately used. I find social media, a paragon of comparison and self-loathing.
* Declutter your space- take time to clean and organize your space. It goes a long way in easing your mind, ahead of the day.
These are but a few. There are myriad practices one can follow to ultimately feel good about themselves and heal their body and mind. Comment what you think.
Dominus meus me adiuvet amem me
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