Disclaimer, I am neither a mental health professional nor a mental health expert. My suggestions are solely based on my own experiences in handling anxiety.

Battle in my mind. A common statement used to define what it means to struggle with anxiety. This holds factual, especially among men. As stated earlier, the vast populace of boys and men, find it rather taxing to open up about their internal struggles. Silence means approval. It simply means that you consent to anxiety's belligerent demands. 

Maybe you might have not thought of it like this; quite understandable. I think this is what African society has taught men.
"As a man you are; at any cost, not allowed to display your feelings, emotions, and struggles to the public." 
"Men don't cry!"
"You are the man of the house, what will your sisters do if you act like this?"
"Man up!"

All these repugnant and offensive remarks have been used several times, especially to boys who have dared to open up about their struggles and emotions. Furthermore, the derogatory statements have exacerbated men to become taciturn, thus they fight the anxieties of life by themselves. Retrogressive social norms have been further seen to act as catalytic generators in people taking advantage of men due to their strong impulses of self-hate, self-blame, and other credible issues. 
To cut the long story short, it is okay to speak up as a man. To be rather honest, no one is judging; especially in this age and time. 
Here are some techniques I have found helpful in my Odyssey with general anxiety. 

Breathing exercise 
Any time I have had a panic attack, I have found breathing in and out quite beneficial. I usually do this for at least 1 minute when I sense any panic attacks creeping. Breathing helps reduce stress by increasing gaseous exchange which lowers blood pressure; slowing down the rate of heartbeat and easing abdominal tension. Gentle hold your abdomen with both hands, take a deep breath push in air, filling up the lungs, then, gently release pushing out air while sucking in your stomach. Do this continuously for 5 minutes.

Meditation has stood me in great stead in my scrimmage against anxiety. Meditation for me lasts between 5-20 minutes. I wouldn't say that I do it daily but the times I have done it, I have found it quite beneficial as it soothes my mind and relaxes my body.
Sit down in an upright position; preferably on a chair. Put both palms on your thighs. Breathe in and out gently focusing on your breath. Release all tension and ligament pressures from the top of your head, through your throat, down to your toes. While you are at your "level", let your mind float fleetingly in the fanciful world of beautiful things.

Working out
I find High-Intensity Workouts beneficial especially when handling anxiety. For starters, exercise releases feel-good endorphins which help soothe the mind and promotes feelings of well-being. Moreover, exercise takes your mind off constant worries hence one can get rid of the chain of negative thoughts-which constitute a major part of anxiety. Find a youtube workout that works best for you and get on your feet.

According to several studies, it has been proven that journaling has greatly helped several people fight anxiety. Sometimes when you write down all your worries and read them out loud; you see how manageable they can be, and pursue the right avenues to combat the anxiety and depression.
I hope you enjoyed today's post. Please follow my blog and share this post .
Deus salvum populum cum anxieties.


  1. great stuff! 👍🏾 all these seem so practical! looking forward to seeing more from you.


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