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 In today's post, I will be talking about the arduous and rocky journey in trying to combat depression and anxiety through therapy.
The Journey began on February 13th 2022. Ironically, It was a Friday (spooky....I know). This was the day I first set foot in a psychologist's office. I had mixed feelings to say the least. I remember feeling quite anxious, my heart pounding and almost throbbing out of my chest. My futile attempts with self help from self help books; seemed lackluster. I couldn't hold it within me anymore. The water guard had slipped off my puny hands and collapsed, breaking into pieces just at the door step. The door step to my temple. I literally collapsed in prior episodes before this day.... filled with "zeal and zest".
My benign mother alias "mayi" went in first as I remained transfixed to the car seat with a fatalistic expression, plastered on my visage. I can say, I allowed my mind to roam fleetingly into the fanciful world of beautiful things; opening and probing every past and present episodes of my life; which had been the poor victims of a "strange turn of events". 
After what seemed to be eternity, the therapist came out; an astute young man, maybe in his early 20's he was plump and surprisingly always wore a ready smile which accentuated the fan of lines beneath his eyes. Forgive my impeccable level of hypervigilance. I walked into his office . I got a glimpse of a conglomerate of items perhaps used as paraphernalia to conduct complex therapy sessions to individuals with "leaps and bounds" like myself. 
I sat down, legs trembling, throat dry ,palms as sweaty as ever.
"So what brings you here?" Nigel
I really have never found the answer to that question to date. It's a simple question I know, however, it's complexities go beyond. The therapy sessions were mainly aimed at combating past traumatic experience that may have triggered the depression and anxiety. 
Most of it was : one on one counseling, writing and burning letters, peaceful meditations, journaling and loads of assignments. It started with weekly therapy- at this point I really needed constant reminders about our previous therapy session and typically at this point, the therapist really needed me alive. Then, it went to two weeks -this was a result of small daily transformations and so on and so forth. After that, it went to a month where I currently am.
Just the normal check-ins to see if all is well and more professional ways to combat certain aspects about my illness.
 Therapy for me was really about learning about my illness and devicing counter- measures against them. Self help can sometimes be burdening and further detrimental to one's health. Please seek a professional my fellow man.
Therapy is different for every individual. Some people go twice a week, while others go once every two months. It is also important to know that one does not only need to seek therapy when they are having depression or anxiety .
Therapy is for everyone.
Going for therapy has never made anyone less of a man. I believe that ever since I started going for therapy, I am manly than ever!


  1. I must commend you for religiously attending your therapy sessions. I thank you for being such a great person and for always sharing your experiences with me.

  2. I am starting to think that these posts are speaking loud and clear but not shouting. I am very hopeful that they will help ever so many....God Bless!

  3. yet another amazing post! you have an incredible writing style that delivers your message in a beautiful way!


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